Periwinkle's Pride - Hybrid Bash
Content Copright 2001, 2002, 2003 by
Private Data, LLC
Hybrid Bash

Stock Periwinkle

Hybrid Bashed Periwinkle

Hybrid Bashed Periwinkle - rebuilt after her coresample flight.

Mike with Perwinkle re-bashed with extension and loaded with Propulsion
Polymers J-140. Check out the launch
report below for some great
video of that launch.
I wanted to build a new rocket with and for all my new toys - RockSim
6.0 and a Propulsion Polymers motor set. After the CFO (wife) put the
on ordering new rocket parts, I decided to consider bashing Periwinkle.
The small motor tube, the H70, would essentially fit, and would just
need electronics for deployment. But, I wanted to also get my L2
certification this spring. The L2 would require the J-140 tube and that
tube is 34" long - nearly as long as the 36" body tube of Periwinkle.
Even the I-140 at 24" leaves no room for electronics AND the chute, and
that for single deployment.
And did I mention that I also really didn't want to change Periwinkle,
at all. She looks great , she flies great, and I'd rather work around,
possible, than taint and modify. This with a target for a later build
specifically for the longer of these motors.
The "traditional" anti-zipper retrofits.This was a non starter as it
would require the coupler tubing to be structurally attached to the
main body
tube. I didn't want to epoxy this, and I didn't want to screw it in.
The traditional dual deploy designs also didn't quite match up to
Periwinkle. Basically, the motors leave no room for electronics bays,
which are often embedded in the descending coupler.
So, to bash periwinkle, I would need an upper payload tube, and this
tube would have contain the coupler and house the streamer and
all it's components, the electronics, and the main parachute and it's
components. I
would need a removable upper motor support to properly support the
longer motors. I would need a vent tube channel through the fin can
The upper motor support was easy
in principle and construction. It consists of a 2" (or so) section of
2.5" coupler tubing, with two 2.5-1.5 centering rings (I had CRs
not CCRs). Centered within was a 6" (or so) piece of 38mm motor mount
tubing. The longer motor mount tubing serves to offset the 2.5" portion
well down inside the body tube. This is necessary to accomodate the 4"
of coupler that will slip in from the payload tube.
Since the upper motor support is non structural, I made a slot in the
CRs to allow the nylon strap to pass through. I also added a couple
loops of kevlar thread to allow both retrieval of the mount via hook
and also to secure to the motor top to prevent ejection from forcing
the mount down into the body tube rather than forcing the paylod
section off.
The Payload tube is more involved. It's relatively simple, but must
contain both deployments and an embedded electronics bay. I did not
want the break the body again, so the electronics bay would need to be
embedded yet removable.
I had hoped I could keep the extension short, but that was not to be
the case. I had hoped for 18" and she ended up about 26". I
needed to build the Electronics Bay first.
I had never built an electronics bay before. I had read up on them on
RocketryOnline, Info Central, and many other sites. This seemed a bit
unique as the bay
went into the middle, yet the tube was small, making post-build wiring
problematic. And the hole for the altimiter would be a large opening in
the relatively small body tube. I discussed this with Doug Pratt and he
said "6 of 6-32 bolts".
So I built the bottom of the bay with a double outer thickness to
accomodate the bolts without compromising the strength. with 6 I likely
would have
been OK with a single thickness provided I nailed the CR exactly in the
center. My specific combination, aside from strength, was driven by
was on hand.
I built a center-mount plate with a full length allthread with threaded
couplers. This is strong. I had the RRC2 to test fit with, and I knew
the battery mount would be close, but as it turns out, it's very tight.
I either need to shave the mount or recess the RRC2 into the mounting
plate (perhaps a RRC2 sized slot with back supports - all I need is
1/8" extra.
I also wanted an outside-rocket arming switch. You can see it's
installation. This is and remains a pain. The alignment requirements
for a removable bay with a switch, means any amount of error or slop
and the switch doesn't
align with the coupler tube or the body tube. I may permanently epoxy
plate to the lower bulkheads to facilitate easier and more accurate
Not strictly necessary, but to facilitate an axis of electronics bay
alignment and also provide some strength, the lower coupler tubing is
extended the full distance up to the electronics bay bottom. This
provides a firm and strong
seating base with the only axis of alignment left being rotational.
I inserted the externally assembled bay into the tube. With careful
measurements, I marked off 6 holes that should be evenly spaced and
also nail the center of my built up bulkhead. I then pre-drilled a
hole, inserted a screw, and completed all 6, inserting a screw each
time (this serves to guarantee absolute alignment). Next time I will
make one of the 6 significantly off to make determining the exact
alingment very determinstic later (as your marked and as-drilled holes
will be off slightly).
With this done, I marked off the switch hold and made that cutout. As
this was done separately ,and with the e-bay done first (bad move,
always drill IN first, and through everything, and reference from
that - besides, mistakes inside don't show), anyways, I made and
trimmed the switch cutout. I also made two more altimiter vents at 120
degree invervals. These are
inside out drilled and align perfectly even though they're small
This sounds too easy. It wasn't it was tedious. But with lesson learned
and a bay under my belt, the next ones will be better and also be built
Chutes? Did I leave enough room? The bash would be several pounds
heavier, 4.5 heavier for 6.5lbs total. I knew I'd need a bigger chute
but not how much bigger. And my RockSim was "shooting low" due to a
20lb estimate for the rocket weight. I tracked this down to an
incorrect streamer, but not before
I'd made allowances, but otherwise cut the payload tube.
RockSim was saying about 54", and that with computations normalized the
the orignal PML sim (mostly factoring out the supposed RockSim penchant
for over-sizing chutes). Will a 54 fit? Too late to order ahead from
Ken. Hope? Pray.
Visiting with Ken at the launch, we were having difficulties finding
the 54 he thought he had. But when I mentioned my space concern AND the
descent rate concern, we looked at the 58 as too big (physically too
big) and the 48, 50 too small (descent rate). Not finding any 54s Ken
remembered seeing a special "thin mil" 58, (Giant Leap) from an
abandoned special order. We found that and it's a 'beaut. Very thin,
and it will fit. Thanks Ken! Thanks Giant Leap! Saved!. Lesson: Always
size your chute with RockSim till it's close, then size it physically
with recovery cord before cutting your tubes!
For a drogue I selected an 18" chute per RockSim computations. This
also from Giant Leap not PML (again, mostly availability - I didn't
need X-thin for this chute).
Recovery is otherwise with Pratt Hobbies Kevlar, 20 feet for each stage.
Venting the motors. The hybrid motors require a N2O tank vent and the
Propulsion Polymers vent from the top. I did not have the body tube
length to vent
up and out (it would interfere with the coupler on the long motors). So
I had to go down. Down is problematic during setup, but this rocket's
getting involved (consider ejection charges on the embedded electronics
bay). If I only went down some, it could interfere with using the
H-70 motor, and that left, essentially, out the bottom of the rocket.
that, I aligned some tape, hoping to avoid the fins and the recovery
I also wanted to be away from the rail to give a wider viewing angle,
venting, no matter how the rocket positioned on the rail. To make
easier I chose to retrofit a 8" (or so) length of brass tubing through
fin can area. This will still be difficult to hit, so I plan on using a
36" length of music wire to facilitate threading the vent tubing
the fin can area as well as through the upper motor mount. This is
enough it should not vent too much ejection charge gases (esp on
standard motor).
Rail buttons. I needed to attach a
launch lug on the payload section. The regular 1/4" lugs on the main
body were also too small for for a rocket this long and of this power
range. I was discussing plaement of a 3/8" or 1/2" lug on the upper
section, and alongside the smaller ones (dual use!) this with Doug, and
he kept saying "rail buttons". Convinced, I ordered rail buttons from and (less necessary) a rail from
McMaster-Carr per the instructions on
These were a bit more problematic
to retrofit, and also as I wanted to preserve the piston deploy of the
original kit (for standard motors at least). I
chose to offset mount them to 3/16" slices of 1/2" phenolic rod I had
I drilled and tapped these for the 6-32 screws.
I carefully marked out the holes
with taped angle iron (to protect the finish), drilled pilot/alignment
holes, and chipped the paint away. I also scored well into the QT to
give the cement some bite. I used masking tape to facilitate fillets
without messing up the paint job. These were glued on with Plastic Weld
glue (several brands, from JbWeld, LocTite, ...) which was a test over
epoxy. It worked well. (I find Plastic Weld fantastic for gluing tough
glue plastics - but it sets quickly so mix just enough at a time for
For recovery harness, I had the local shoe repair bar-tack all the
recovery strapping and now the rocket, in any configuration, assembles
with screw links.
Dual Deploy Recovery
I had built an altimeter bay for the
upper section and then core sampled her. So I rebuilt the upper and
here's the new alimeter bay. I added a Magnetic Apogee Sensor as backup
for apogee deployment. It's the upper bay; the lower is the new bay I
built at the same time for the Bullpuppy.
Top shot; Periwnkle with RRC2 and MAD for backup; Bullpuppy with
PerfectFlite Mini-Alt altimeter
Bottom shot;
Launch Reports
This day was a valiant but failed attempt at launching my
hybrid bash. Read the launch report of the eventual conventional Periwinkle
launch here.
I certified TRA L2 at this launch! I planned to certify
L2 with
the Periwinkle Bash and my Propulsion Polymers J-160. But luck was not
me and the the HyperTek equipment was in Greensboro and Doug couldn't
it with the HyperTek to PP/Ratt adapter. Bill Shamblin had his
equipment -
but was having difficulty getting a N2O fill from his supplier.
Fortunately a Cesaroni J285 and case were made available and I was able
to launch and obtain my certification with a picture perfect flight and
recovery. I want to thank all that helped and particularly Kelly Mercer
and Ed Row. Both were all around helps and I borrowed a Walston
Transmitter from Ed -
and a good thing as I landed in the corn field - a field that had
eaten several rockets already. Kelly helped me as well with a throrough
checkout and especially with recovery - he helped me manage both the
Walston receiver, electric fences, cornfields, and recovery all while I
had a very hot, tired, 4 year old on my back.
This was an interesting weekend. I took my time with the L2 written
exam. Partly as it was hot, partly as we were all chatting, partly as I
wanted to
ace it after barely flunking it twice at Battle Park (I forgot to study
Safety half at all!) I aced it!
I took my time putting the rocket together. This as I had many firsts
coming together and I also don't have much time at home that isn't post
midnight (due to kids). I also needed to score some parts from Ken. I
kept working through my list as Kelly patiently occasionally asked "are
you ready yet?"
I finally got her ready near 5pm - but, unfortunately a big storm was
rolling in. While we all hoped it would clear - it didn't. In fact, we
got an inch or two and all ended up huddled in the big tent, holding it
down. The LSO shelter was trashed as was anything else not staked down.
Needless to say I didn't launch that day. But I DID get some of that
pig that they bbq'd. Yum!
I talked my wife into my returning Sunday. Getting the L2 was key to
having more freedom to fly the hybrids on my own - and as I'd found -
hybrid equipment and gas availability is never a given so I needed the
L2 to be able fly whenever, whereever (as hybrids require L2 to operate
at this time). I also wanted to
start playing with EX motors and this also was an enabler. As part of
deal, I returned with my 4yr old son. This was a mistake.
It was clear, but very hot on Sunday. My son doesn't do well in hot nor
in the sun (for long), and for nearly the whole time I had to carry him
walk very slowly. This in itself made it take all afternoon to launch
Estes twice and mine once. But my only real goal was the L2 shot and I
everybody, including my son (continously), that we're going home after
And it was all worth it!
Here are some great pictures:
Whitakers line with
me in the near foreground
Chatting with Bill
Shamblin at the Pig Pickin. I was trying to fly and cert and all
they could do was think about that pig. Yum!
Gratuitous shot of me
with the pad in the background
Distracted by some
APCP going up
Periwinkle on the pads
- photo by Dave Morey
Periwinkle going up
- beautiful launch photo by Dave Morey
Periwinkle coming
down - into the corn - photo by Dave Morey
I attended the sport launch day (Saturday the 26th). My
main goal was to get at least *one* hybrid shot off on Periwinkle. I
don't care which motor nor which configuration - just to get one hybrid
shot off and have it be successfull.
Due to hybrid GSE availability issues I decided to make my own. I am building out my own N2O
assembly as well as my own controllers for the same. It will be
to pull everything together in a fully assembled manner - but I will
for some combination of it and other's equipment to be there so that I
I am also building my own RDF transmitter and receiver. The Walston I
borrowed works great but I had already bought parts to build up Pete's
setup. I hope to have it together for this launch - and that will be
timely as the club's receiver may not make it back from LDRS. Having
something is very desirable as Periwinkle was difficult enough to find
the the corn on my L2 cert flight and that with the Walston. That corn
had already eaten a couple other nice rockets that day.
As it turns out, I went to load up the J-160 motor, but found I didn't
have the right floating injector (only the 3/16ths will do). I spent
the rest of the afternoon trying to cheese somethign together,
including fruitless runs to the hardware store. In the end I didn't get
a launch.
Unfortunately, while digging around at home, I found the injector. It
was in the I-140 tube - and I'd had it all along at the launch. ack!
I had Periwinkle loaded with the
Propulsion Polymers J-160 motor. It was a cold day, in the 40s. I had
also upped the ejection charges. Unfortunately I think the combination
of these lead to my unsuccessfull recovery. But first things first.
I set up my GSE on a far pad, loaded up Periwinkle, and launched her.
This was a first on many fronts - my first hybrid flight and all by
myself on all my own equipment. I was proving many things this time!
The boost was great - a very impressive launch, boost, and coast. Sims
predicted about 6,000 ft or more.
Unfortunately, she remained ballistic and coresampled into a farmer's
field. Forensics indicate that the ejection charges blew, but that the
apogee charge blew out the middle and jammed the separation keeping her
ballistic. The nose cone was just to the side of the "hollow point
hole" and was flattened on its side. Indicating the main charge blew,
but with a ballistic rocket, didn't have time to do anything.
Interestingly, the lower section, being essentially all motor, acted as
a pile driver on the upper section, destroying everything, but
protecting the lower section save for an inertia separated motor mount
ring. The RRC2X looks repairable with just the connectors ripped off.
The remainder a total loss, including the RDF TX and the parachute.
I skipped Whitakers December launch
spend the time re-building Periwinkle and building up the BullPuppy for
the RATT H-70. This was a successfull launch of the re-built
Periwinkle on the Propulsion Polymers I-160 motor.
here to view that full launch
5/22/3004 - Whitakers, NC
I had a good launch day. I fired
Periwinke with the body extension with the Propulsion Polymers J-140
(that now fits). She really ripped off the pad like a bat out of hell.
Here's a good picture of me,
a good picture of her
coming down under chute, and do
check out the video here.
I also got two shots off on my Bullpuppy Intergalactic Noxious Space
Explorer with the RATT H-70 motor. As usual, clouds rolled in, and
everybody packed up. I was re-prepping the Bullpuppy during that and
finished prepping her as the launch equipment, except what I was going
to need, was torn down. As you can imagine, I was the last flight of
the day.